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FODMAP Intolerance Changes Over Time

FODMAP Intolerance Changes Over Time

Q. Does sensitivity to individual FODMAPS change over time? Can a food that was formerly well tolerated become problematic at a later time? Or vice versa?

A. The short answers are yes, yes, and yes. But there are many nuances here. Let’s take your questions one at a time.

When You Need Low-FODMAP Fluids

When You Need Low-FODMAP Fluids

Q. Do you have a low-FODMAP recipe I could use instead of purchasing bottled sports drinks?

Short Answer: There is no short answer, because an appropriate substitution for bottled sports drinks depends upon why you are asking. Many people don’t actually need this sort of beverage at all, despite the heavy marketing of these products. On the other hand, “Distance or extreme athletes, people with major GI output such as with vomiting or diarrhea, or people with short bowel syndrome must replace electrolytes, and plain water will not do the trick,” according to Dr. Carol Ireton Jones, an expert on hydration for short bowel syndrome.

Do I Have to Modify the FODMAP Elimination Diet for My Crohn's Disease?

Do I Have to Modify the FODMAP Elimination Diet for My Crohn's Disease?

Q. Even though my Crohn’s disease is supposedly in remission, I have ongoing problems with abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea. I’d like to try a low-FODMAP diet, but I’m not sure whether I need to make changes to it, since I don’t have straight-on IBS.

FODMAPs and Soy: Why so Confusing?

FODMAPs and Soy: Why so Confusing?

Soybeans and soy products CAN be sources of oligosaccharides, especially of GOS (some fructans, too). But not all soy products are significant sources. If you know two things about fructans and GOS you will be on your way to understanding which soy foods you can include on your low-FODMAP diet. 

Research Update: Are Fructose Breath Tests Useful for Diagnosis or Treatment of IBS?

Research Update: Are Fructose Breath Tests Useful for Diagnosis or Treatment of IBS?

In a new study published by researchers at Monash University in Australia, researchers conclude that “routine use of lactulose and fructose breath tests in functional bowel disorder patients is not supported due to its poor reproducibility.”

In other words, don’t bother.